Key Duplication and Lockout Services
Key duplication – You can do it now or never!
Have you thought of making duplicate keys for your important locks? You may not feel the need now. But you won’t be able to do it when you have the need because the need will arise only when you lose the original keys and with no original keys, you can’t make any duplicate key! Get duplicate keys made now. You should have more than one key for each lock, with the second key kept in a safe place for use during emergencies. Get key duplication done by the experts Mitchel Security Locks. Call us today to get copies made for your keys.
Lockout services – Prepare for the unexpected
Are you prepared to face a lockout? Don’t think it won’t happen to you. It may not but it can. How can you be prepared? The only preparation you need is to have a phone number at hand. If you have it, you can call the expert for all your lockout services without feeling tense or worried. Mitchel Security Locks is the company you should call. We can pull you out of the situation in the fastest time possible by sending our skilled technicians immediately. Our highly skilled personnel will unlock the system in no time and without damaging the lock. Depend on us.
Magnetic locks need to be repaired by experts
What is special about magnetic locks? They work on electromagnetic principles. So, they can be handled only by someone who understands how magnetism works. A traditional locksmith may offer to repair your magnetic lock but may not only fail to repair it but also damage it beyond repair. It is better to call an expert like Mitchel Security Locks than to try to get it repaired by an unskilled person and make the lock unusable. We have people trained to repair all kinds of locks including magnetic locks. They will reach you fast and fix the problem once you give us a call.